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Pacific History Guide is dedicated to providing military members, veterans, and their families with historical insights into their duty stations, TAD locations, and ports of call throughout the Pacific.


Our mission is to provide a one-size-fits all, single repository of information that can be used anywhere you go to easily find the rich history of these locations so that the importance of our shared experience is never forgotten. 

Does this page look a little basic? That's by design! We want this site to be easy to use for servicemembers wherever they are; aboard ship, in austere locations, and on the go. Our aim is to get you connected to history, not wow you with our web design skills.

Three Japanese-built Vickers coastal defense guns were installed at Piti, but never fired a shot in the Second World War.

Piti Guns Unit - World War Two in the Pacific National Monument
Piti, Guam

Explore historical sites around the Pacific, sorted by region and country.

Where we've come from, and where we hope to go.

Online databases, museum collections, and articles for researchers

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Not sure where to get started? Click here for common overseas port calls and duty stations

Pacific History Guide™

This page was made possible thanks to the efforts of 

Rita J. King, Michael Ryan, and Daniel S. Parker

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